Mission San Juan Capistrano: What to Expect (2024)


Mission San Juan Capistrano is the 7th of California’s 21 missions and the only one in Orange County.

Located in the charming South OC city of San Juan Capistrano, the Mission is surrounded by a walkable downtown area and the Los Rios Historic District.


Open Tuesday through Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Closed Mondays.

Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Closed early Christmas Eve and Good Friday.


Every admission includes 3 free audio tours

Adults (Ages 18-59) - $18.00

Seniors (Ages 60+) - $15.00

Youth (Ages 5-17) - $10.00

4th grader pack (includes extras) - $16.47

Audio Tours

The audio tour is so impressive! Each ticket comes with a listening device that hold up to your ear like a phone. You can enter the number of the attraction you’re standing in front of and you’ll hear some background.

Kudos to the team that worked on this as the information is interesting yet entertaining.

Make sure to check out the Mission’s following attractions:

Great Stone Church


Serra Chapel

Industrial Vats

Frequently Asked Questions

How far is Mission San Juan Capistrano from Disneyland?

Mission San Juan Capistrano is 30 miles from the Disneyland Resort.

How much time should you budget for a visit to Mission San Juan Capistrano?

Visitors usually spend a couple hours at the Mission San Juan Capistrano but you can easily spend half the day here if you take your time.

How many missions are in Orange County, CA?

Mission San Juan Capistrano is the only mission located in Orange County, CA.

Is the Mission San Juan Capistrano worth a visit?

Absolutely! The mission is a great place to learn about California history and the surrounding area is a great place to dine, shop, or stroll around.


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